Mold Markets

Mold was established as a Market town and founded in around 1100 by Britain’s Norman conquerors, who drew up the layout of the High Street wide enough to accommodate market traders and beast sales. Extending from the Cross to Bailey Hill, the stalls initially fronted the shops of merchants and tradesmen. Later a ‘beast market’ arrived in Grosvenor Street. A 1653 survey for the then Lord of the Manor, Earl of Derby, includes details of two fairs which would have been held in the High Street. While the annual fairs are no longer held, the tradition of the twice-weekly street market continues to this day.

Street Market

Every Wednesday & Saturday from 9am to 3.30pm throughout the year attracting more than 70 traders.
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Indoor Market

Thriving Indoor Market at the heart of Daniel Owen Precinct.

Open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday.
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